A Celebration for Year 3

Well first things first, I honestly have to apologize to all of you. I haven’t be able to write a blog since November of last year (writing it out makes it seem like so much more time). Between December vacation, processing the passing year, the craziness of jumping into 2019, being short staffed at work, and adventuring through the first through months of marriage, things got over busy to say the least. Please forgive me. As the month of February was coming to a close I was, yet again, faced with my anniversary of stepping foot on Nicaraguan soil.  Just as the year before it, and in all of my yearly reflection blogs, I can’t believe I am still here.

I hesitated in titling these blog ramblings “a celebration” because honestly, the over-arching theme of year 3 and 2018 was hardly summed up in the word “celebration.” I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I struggled last year. To make a very long explanation short,  I was confronted with so much “junk”I never had imagined I would walk through, battled lies, fear and an anxiety that tried to suffocate me. I guess its actually a celebration that it is over. But thanks to my faithful friend and Savior, Jesus Christ, what the enemy meant for evil, Jesus broke in and changed everything into good, not just good, but even sweet.

I can say now that I came out with His perspective, His wisdom, and a renewed faith to fight and break the chains that tried to hold me down. Jesus, thank-you, words aren’t enough.  Just alike in years past, I have complied some lessons learned throughout year 3, both positive and negative with all the feels in between.

Fear is a liar, a fake, and he can go back to hell where he came from…BYE in Jesus name!

I always freak out at change, but in the end it is good.

It is okay not to “be okay” just don’t allow yourself to stay there.

The Lord uses everything to bring us into deeper revelation and relationship with Himself.

Marriage is beautiful and hard– clearly a tool God uses for our sanctification and I wouldn’t want it any other way, I love you Daniel.

He never ever leaves me.

Make your room like a hotel, and you’ll be on vacation very night.

I am thankful for safe counsel and safe places in the people who know and love me.

Stay alert for others who’s heart motivations are not pure.

Vulnerability is a gift, only given to those who too, value it.

My heart needs adventure, and a break, even if its just to the beach.

God brings everything full circle, He hears me.

Caring for your mental health with God’s word and common shared experience, sheds light (the mind is truly a battlefield, not just love, ha)

A day to sleep in, a long run, a listening ear and dark chocolate all have healing properties.

Putting on the armor of God daily must be part of our routine because the enemy is a stupid jerk, but my Savior, an insanely kind Father.

Year 4, I welcome you with anticipation and may this prayer illuminate the way..

“Grant me Lord the wisdom to know myself that I may know You better” Amen.