5 Years! Look where a “yes” takes you.

Today, exactly 5 years ago, I walked on a plane headed to Nicaragua. I took a leap of faith not knowing exactly where I would end up, but I can assure you I never imagined myself here 5 years later. I remember that morning like it was yesterday and if you would have told me to write down my wildest hopes and dreams that would be birthed out of my “yes,” I wouldn’t have come close to the novel Jesus has written for me. Thank-you Lord for the adventure you have taken me on, its surely been a wild ride. I remember in the weeks before I came, I had a specific prayer on my heart for the time I was going to be in Nicaragua (which was originally only for 6 months…) “let this be a stepping stone to what is next..” I would pray that over and over again building the faith to believe that saying “yes” to Nicaragua had a purpose for my life. I can now say that the Lord has answered that prayer 100x over. I walked on that plane 5 years ago, a single woman without a clue what was going to happen, who I was going to meet and all I was going to learn and experience. But all God needed was my “yes” and He did all the rest. He has taken those stepping stones and created an open highway.

God’s given me the opportunity to truly be apart of something beautiful; something eternal and worthwhile. I’ll remember my first months in the trenches digging for new waterlines, hot and exhausted. I’ll remember all the bus conversations with visiting missionaries seeking to pour themselves out during their week-long stay. I’ll remember the long days in the heat, visiting families, working for life transformation in each time spent together. I’ll remember hours traveling with co-workers all across NW Nicaragua people that have become my family, whom know me at my best and love me at my worst. I’ll remember the hospitality of freshly tossed tortillas, and plates full of generosity. I’ll remember the thankfulness of community members and the times God reminded me that it was all worth it.

In just a few short weeks, I’ll be getting on a plane again with the same overflowing bags, but this time, to head back where I came from and stay much longer than my previous trips to visit. As I stated in my last post, I am feeling all the feels as time runs out, but I know too, that my “yes” to go back has just as much purpose as the first to leave. I remember that I had all the same worries and fears I do now, wondering how I would adjust and fair in Nicaragua. Ironically, the tables are now turned and I am wondering about the transition back to the States. It has been awhile since I’ve felt these same emotions, in the transitioning, but I find comfort in knowing, I have done this before. Just like when I stepped on the plane to come, I have no idea of what to expect stepping on the plane to leave, but I still hear the echos of my first “yes” and they are resounding “see! I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19).

As one can imagine, so much has changed in 5 years, both inwardly and outwardly in me and my life. As in years before, and in my yearly reflection fashion below I have complied a short list of what I’ve learned and gained throughout the past 5 years…

The Lord hears the prayers of His people

Faith truly can move mountains

I came a single woman and I’m leaving with a wonderful husband (and our sweet pup, Rosie)

We make our plans but the Lord determines our steps

I can handle a lot more than I think

Transition is how God molds our obedience

Never take for granted your central A/C

I’ve met some of the best people and have some of the dearest friends thanks to Amigos for Christ.
I think John should create a dating app..haha WAY too many marriages have been birthed at Amigos for it not to be insanely successful

I have been trained to talk to just about anyone for just about anything for hours on end, art of conversation is a real thing

Misery loves company on the hard Nica days (only those who’ve lived here will get this reference)

I can bathe fairly well with only a gallon of water in a bucket

Getting out of our comfort zone is the only way for God is stretch us to be more like Him

Some days you just need some fritanga (fried Nicaraguan street food)

Always but always invest in a good fan

The adventure isn’t over yet!

Author: tayloradventuresblog

I like to write about the world and how the Lord speaks to me through it.

6 thoughts on “5 Years! Look where a “yes” takes you.”

  1. Taylor,
    I will miss you more than most. Your presence here was a balm.
    Thank you.
    If you have any time in the next few weeks I would love to take you to lunch…one last time 😊

    Sabrina Bland

    USA- 404-729-1203
    Amigos for Christ


    From: “I told You I’d go back.”
    Reply-To: “I told You I’d go back.”
    Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 3:16 PM
    To: Sabrina Bland
    Subject: [New post] 5 Years! Look where a “yes” takes you.

    tayloradventuresblog posted: ” Today, exactly 5 years ago, I walked on a plane headed to Nicaragua. I took a leap of faith not knowing exactly where I would end up, but I can assure you I never imagined myself here 5 years later. I remember that morning like it was yesterday and if yo”


  2. TAY!! What a beautiful reflection over the past 5 years you have invested here in Nicaragua. You have been a punto de luz for so many; I know you have been for me. I’m so thankful to have met you and have the pleasure of serving alongside you. Our doors will always be open to you here in Nicaragua, but just as much as we’ll miss you, I know this door that God has opened to you and Daniel will be even more fruitful and beautiful as the last. Love you so much, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks un montón Sarah, honestly it was hard to write and I don’t think I did the last 5 years justice but I am happy to have tired. I and we will miss you so much, I can breathe a sigh of relief that you will be taking your place in the house and continue the legacy! Love you friend!


  3. Estoy de acuerdo Taylor!

    I look back to 4 years ago February and what my mindset and expectations for the future were and I would never have guessed how much God would change my life in Nicaragua.

    We are quite blessed for God bringing you and Daniel into our lives and I look forward to seeing you guys again soon.


    1. God is so good to us. Nicaragua has hanged us for the better. We have our spouses to prove it haha! We thank Jesus for your friendship and the way its shown us Him and His faithfulness. We are excited to travel with you guys real soon!


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