Wow… Year 4!

As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, every year at my anniversary of moving to Nicaragua I enjoy commemorating it and processing the overarching themes of the year. It has come to be like a right of passage for me of sorts. This past Monday, the 24th of February I celebrated 4 years of living and learning in a country that has become my second home. After being here for some time I, like any other Nicaraguan, have learned to prefer the heat, own lots of fans, enjoy a nice cold, mid-day shower, water the dirt in front of my house (yes, water help it not venture into my home),  drop my “s” when I speak Spanish and crave a good plate of rice and beans or fresh tortilla with cuajada (a strong traditional handmade cheese). Living here has changed me in many many ways and taught me so much about myself, about God, faith, culture, friendship, work ethic, the list is endless! But as I took time to once again reflect upon the prior year I couldn’t help but think of how far I’ve come since first stepping off that plane in 2016.

The Friday before my 4th year anniversary my team and I were driving to one of the communities we work in weekly. As I was looking out the window, I was struck by the amount of man-made fences that spanned out across the farmland, dividing the land by perimeters of wood posts and barbed wire. It seemed like no inch of land was left undivided and in the land in-between grazed the livestock owned by people in the community. In that moment, the Lord reminded me of one of my favorite verses of the Bible found in the book of Psalms 16:5-6 and it reads like this:

“Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup, You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” 

As I thought about the verse and what it might mean for me, I really felt that it applied to the overarching theme of this past year of all that I have learned, and that the Lord has done in me. Throughout this year, I felt more present than the year before, I felt more steady, more sure of my purpose and the content of my days. I felt right where I was supposed to be, I felt a new sense of freedom. Many might think that having boundary lines is something to be feared or something that that would make one feel trapped, but for me, it has allowed me to settle -in more and just be me.  I found that this year I stopped trying so hard to move boundaries but instead, enjoy the space He has given me and not look over at other fields I can’t get to yet. The Lord’s boundary lines for me have allowed me to grow in my role and a community development health promoter and a leader on my team. They have allowed me to thrive in my marriage and the safe place that it is for me. But more than anything, they have provided for me a space to grow closer to God because I see where He wants me and where He does not, where investment is needed and where it is not. Jesus has shown the beauty of the inheritance He has given me here in my life in Nicaragua and for that, I am thankful. As always, I have compiled a list of quick blurbs of what I’ve learned and what I’ll take with me into this year 4. I’m so excited to see where this next year will lead– always and forever delighting in the Lord’s boundary lines for me.

*The present is a gift, embrace it!

*  There is a process of learning to let go of comparison and all the shoulda couldas with circumstances and relationships.

* My time with Jesus is my life-blood.

*Marriage is a lot of work but its always worth it. Daniel is truly my best friend.

*Grow where you are planted.

*Look forward to the future with Godly anticipation–He has good and great things—a delightful inheritance!

* Work hard, honor God, be faithful in what you do and you will receive favor.

*Health is more of our biggest blessings, thank the Lord for it daily!

*Stay connected to your people–near or far, ask for prayer and lift them up in prayer.

*I’m a homebody, Friday nights in are my fav!

*The sun drains energy.

*Being known and having a safe place is vital (Marco polos with my Bethania girls are LIFE!)

*Safeguard Sundays at all cost.

*Being able to text your doctors here and go buy anything and everything in the pharmacy down the street is the best thing ever!!

*A routine can bring life, but being a slave to your routine kills.

*A day to sleep in puts a lot into perspective, haha.

*My Father answers prayer. Springtime is just around the corner.